This was a project we did at ACHT Frankfurt over a timespan of three months for Volkswagen India. It included a 15-sec Teaserfilm, Still Images in 8K and a 45-sec Reveal Film. I worked mostly on shading of the car-models, the still images and the end sequence of the Reveal Film which takes place on the rooftop of the garage.
Visual Effects
Ferrero – Kinder Country
I was lucky to have the chance to work on this fun TVC together with Florian Meimberg and the kind people at IAM and Havas. In this TVC, the protagonist gets transported by a swirl which is made from the various ingredients contained in a Kinder Country Bar. I art directed the swirl from concept to final image and animated (Cinema 4D & X-Particles) and rendered (Redshift) it. Compositing was done in Flame by Markus Wellmann at Acht.
Granini Selection
I worked as a compositor on a few shots for this TV-Commercial for Granini. This one was exciting for me to work on because i could use my “motion-design-eye” on compositing tasks, which consisted of combining different plates shot on the phantom flex and retouching them quite a lot and combining them with CG to get the desired look and feel.
BMW – The 6
While we worked on multiple films for BMW at the time, this one was something different. Director Alex Feil had a film in mind that was unexpectedly artful and special: the protagonist should be able to change the world around him. This story should be told through animated water-colour skies, capturing the golden hour that was originally filmed in southern africa.